Exercises to correct Anterior Pelvic Tilt
David Monzón López
Anterior pelvic tilt is a posture in which the pelvis tilts forward , which can cause excessive curvature in the lumbar spine and excess tension in the lower back muscles . We often associate this pattern with poor posture, lack of strength or little flexibility. For this reason, we go crazy looking for exercises to correct Anterior Pelvic Tilt focused on strengthening the middle zone and mobility in the hip. However, nothing could be further from the truth. In these cases, recovering an efficient breathing pattern will be the key to progress and eliminate all the symptoms associated with anterior pelvic tilt.
What muscles produce Anterior Pelvic Tilt?
Although we can speak of pelvic inclination due to the anteriorization of the iliac bones (relative movements), normally, when the anterior pelvic inclination is associated with a reduction in the capacity for movement (mobility), this is produced by a block orientation of the entire pelvis from the lumbar area.
This ends up involving:
- Erector spinae muscles.
- Psoas Major and Iliacus
- Femoral rectus.
- Even Adductors could participate in this orientation.

This, in turn, produces:
- Weakness of the deep abdominal muscles (eccentric orientation).
- Descent and anteriorization of visceral content.
- It facilitates the passage of air through the anterior area of the thorax (abdomen).
And of course, this produces what we know as "the whiting that bites its tail."
Abdominal weakness , along with the passage of air and viscera further into the abdomen, causes the natural stabilization pattern to be compromised and the most superficial muscles (back erector muscles) have to work harder to be able to provide the necessary stability. For this reason we often notice a lot of stiffness or tension in the lumbar area of the back.

Why don't stretches work to correct Anterior Pelvic Tilt?
Conventional stretches are often recommended to correct anterior pelvic tilt, but, in most cases, they are not effective . This is because stretches do not address the underlying cause of Anterior Pelvic Tilt.
The initial cause can be very varied. From an altered emotional state such as anxiety for a long time, to an old injury that has not been worked on and recovered as it should. The fact is that whatever the root cause, the body, in favor of survival, will generate the adaptations (compensations) that are necessary to be able to continue breathing , fighting against gravity and moving , even if it does not do so in the most efficient way. possible.
These adaptations cause the position of the diaphragm , the main inhalation muscle, to change, making both inhalation and exhalation difficult. The diaphragm, in its lower excursion during inhalation, produces an opening of the entire rib cage. This favors the complete filling of the lungs and the generation of optimal intra-abdominal pressure for correct stabilization.

Now, if due to adaptations the diaphragm is not capable of generating the necessary costal opening, someone will have to do it! Because... I already told you that you won't stay without breathing.
An alternative solution to placing the rib cage in an inhalatory position may be to compress the midsection. This will generate a tilt of the ribs which, through compression, will generate an opening of the rib cage. Even more superior muscles such as trapezius or sternocleidomastoids can come to the rescue by generating a rib opening through their concentric contraction. But of course... these muscles are not designed to endure so many repetitions per day.
Sternocleidomastoid. essentials of kinesiology for the physical therapist assistant
Exercises to correct Anterior Pelvic Tilt.
We are going to see 3 simple exercises with which to begin to improve the anterior pelvic tilt so that you can obtain greater mobility and eliminate any associated discomfort.
1. Bench Lying Stack
2. Stack in 90/90 lying on the bench.
Once we have mastered the lying position, it is time to start playing with gravity. Practice this posture following the same principles as in the previous exercise so that your brain is able to begin to manage gravity better.
3. Heels Elevated Squat with High Reference
Are you already a master adopting the Stack? It is time then to start managing loads efficiently. And what better way than to start with an adaptation of an exercise known to everyone. Go for it!
Anterior Pelvic Tilt Exercise Program
If you want a complete 4-week program with more than 100 exercises to work on anterior pelvic tilt, you can purchase the "Correct Anterior Pelvic Tilt" program.
In summary
The anterior pelvic tilt is a solution that our body adopts to be able to stay upright while breathing and moving. It is not a problem in itself of tense or contracted muscles in isolation. For this reason, an exercise plan that integrates breathing along with specific positions that teach our brain to manage forces more efficiently will be much better than convectional stretches for anterior pelvic tilt.