
Best elastic bands to train at home
Training at home has become increasingly popular in recent years and one of the reasons is the wide variety of accessories and tools available to do it. One of the...
Best elastic bands to train at home
Training at home has become increasingly popular in recent years and one of the reasons is the wide variety of accessories and tools available to do it. One of the...

Exercises to correct Anterior Pelvic Tilt
Anterior pelvic tilt is a posture in which the pelvis tilts forward , which can cause excessive curvature in the lumbar spine and excess tension in the lower back muscles...
Exercises to correct Anterior Pelvic Tilt
Anterior pelvic tilt is a posture in which the pelvis tilts forward , which can cause excessive curvature in the lumbar spine and excess tension in the lower back muscles...

Ángulo Infraesternal como Primera Compensación
El ángulo infraesternal (ISA) nos aporta información sobre la estrategia respiratoria que adopta un individuo para poder completar el ciclo respiratorio. Este ángulo tiene una estrecha relación con...
Ángulo Infraesternal como Primera Compensación
El ángulo infraesternal (ISA) nos aporta información sobre la estrategia respiratoria que adopta un individuo para poder completar el ciclo respiratorio. Este ángulo tiene una estrecha relación con...

ISA Narrow and APT?
Introduction Seeing a narrow ISA with APT is quite common but it may not fit you with what we have seen so far. You may have even seen wide ISAs...
ISA Narrow and APT?
Introduction Seeing a narrow ISA with APT is quite common but it may not fit you with what we have seen so far. You may have even seen wide ISAs...

Improve Back Stiffness in 1 Minute
Introduction Regardless of an individual's respiratory bias, the most common thing is that they generate more superficial compensation layers with respect to the initial compensation through the Infrasternal Angle (ISA)...
Improve Back Stiffness in 1 Minute
Introduction Regardless of an individual's respiratory bias, the most common thing is that they generate more superficial compensation layers with respect to the initial compensation through the Infrasternal Angle (ISA)...

Biomecánica del Hombro I: Movimientos de Todo e...
La biomecánica del hombro puede llegar a ser algo compleja por la cantidad de articulaciones que funcionan de forma sinérgica para producir el movimiento. Por ese motivo, vamos a dividir...
Biomecánica del Hombro I: Movimientos de Todo e...
La biomecánica del hombro puede llegar a ser algo compleja por la cantidad de articulaciones que funcionan de forma sinérgica para producir el movimiento. Por ese motivo, vamos a dividir...