What exactly is EXERCISE LIBRARY? 🤔
It is an INFINITE tool for breathing , mobility and strength exercises to improve your ability to move and eliminate pain 🚀
Why is it an INFINITE product? 😱
As a trainer - retrainer I am constantly testing new exercise proposals and many of them end up in my library (which is now public). Therefore you will have access to all updates that are made completely free of charge . Logically, the price of the first edition will not be the same as that of the tenth. Therefore, once you purchase your copy , you will automatically be entitled to all subsequent updates for free . Let's go for the second edition with 425 exercises! 🤪
Can I view the videos from my PHONE? 📱
YEAH. You can view all the videos without any problem on any smartphone, tablet or PC.
The book has an integrated “anti-plagiarism” system to prevent its dissemination and copying. Any attempt to copy or share it will be logged in our system.
Password protected PDF to avoid possible plagiarism. The PDF password is your user email with which you made the purchase.
Technical specifications
- File type: . PDF
- Class: PDF document with 425 videos
- Size: 7.62MB
- License Duration: unlimited with each purchase.
- Operating system: Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS.
These files are for professional and non-transferable use, property of David Monzón López, with the GamanTraining® brand. All rights reserved. The purchase of this unlocked product does not entitle you to the total or partial reproduction of this work, nor its incorporation into a computer system, nor its transmission in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or other) without prior written authorization of the copyright holders. The infringement of these rights may constitute a crime against intellectual property.
*By purchasing this product, the customer accepts the General Terms and Conditions of Purchase.